Project Summary

Insurance Portal is SaaS based application that provides all-in-one cover for SMEs that need Property/Business Damage and Liability insurance. Through this application, business can get detailed information of Business/Material loss, claim insurance against the policy, and settled claims. By using this application, business can get details of all the claims created by site person of different department (wind, solar, wind mast) and assign to central SPOC person of specific department for process the claim. Central SPOC will verify the form and assign to Admin who will assign broker of specific dept for verifying the claim and approval. In this application, we have 4 prospect users,
1. Site Team (who will inspect the site and fill the claim forms with damage proof documents)
2. Central SPOC (Inspect claim form and material/business loss)
3. Admin (full fledge control on system and can inspect the claim form that in any level)
4. Broker (The one who will have authority to verify the claim and settled the claims)

Key Features & Solutions



  • User-friendly design
  • Marquee to display important information
  • Figma Designing
  • User Flow
  • Journey mapping


  • MySQL Database Structure.
  • Import and Export Data
  • Data populate based on algorithm provided by Client
  • Data display in Graph.

Technologies We Used

Label Designing and Printing Software Development Using CodeIgniter
Docker Containers
High Chart
Google Chat

The Challenges


Biggest problem is to understand existing code and application naming conventions.


Optimised the code and claim process flow as per business SME understanding


No documentation of application architecture & of existing code structure.

The Solution

Optimise the code and charts/graphs to verify the manual entry of excel sheet. Create logics & function at backend to validate the claim & selected policy for different financial years.


Earlier the claim process in this SaaS application was not well structured. We have to dig into the code and server level to rectify the problem that client faced while adding new claims.Most of the issue was related to frontend and data validation. We discussed with client every aspect of solution to make this product more efficient, bugs free, robust. We have optimized the code and implemented charts to showcase the claim and policy data more appropriately on user dashboard.

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