Project Summary
Videotelligent is a video licensing platform where users can license their videos posted on YouTube and Facebook. Videotelligent provides licensee to choose country-specific, worldwide license along with selected social media license. Licensee as an online media user can hold or stream selected licensed video. Users as Providers can license their videos from YouTube and Facebook. Users as an Online Media can Purchase licenses based on models. Admin can manage both Provider and Online Media Users.
Key Features & Solutions

- UI/UX enhancement

- Added Worldwide and Social in licensing model
- Removed Global from licensing model
- Fixed Video File and Mirroring Ingestions
Technologies We Used
The Challenges
The Solution>
Soon we realized that in the absence of documentation it would be quite difficult to extend the existing features and models. In order to solve this, we created the used cases and got them approved by the product owner, and based upon that we figured out which part of the application is broken and needed fixes. We extended a feature and model based upon the same use case and tested it. It worked for us so we determined our way in the same fashion. Before extending any feature or model, create a use case, get it approved, and then start on modifying it if required.
Develop your brand through premium video sites and build audiences, generate more traffic and increase your ad revenue. Extend your offering with popular videos from leading video providers to attract new viewers, generate more traffic and ad revenue. Grow your audience with a smart workflow for video content and ads. Generate revenue with our end-to-end and scalable video licensing platform.
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