Event Management Software Development

APPWRK Custom Event Management Software that ensures work is done efficiently across the Meeting & Planning Operations.

Need Help with Event Management Software Development?

    Event Management Software Solutions

    We create event planning solutions that integrate with venue and hotel apps, budget tracking, staff management systems, or anything else that you want.

    Marketing Software Tools

    Event Marketing Software Tools

    Event management apps combine features for digital marketing, lead generation, and capturing branded cellular applications, as well as social media promotions. Our experienced team programs, photographic software, and photo booths are integrated into the social media management platform. We also develop websites for individual events with payment modules.

    Venue Mapping Solutions

    Venue Mapping Solutions

    Our venue mapping tool can integrate with an existing system or ticketing platform. It combines unique features like flexibility in making venues and real-time map updates, which provide a place map.

    Payment System Integration

    Payment System Integration

    We will also customize gateways and payment features to meet your needs, as well as provide exceptional service.

    Event Ticketing Software

    Event Ticketing Software

    Our event ticket software has made it easier to buy and sell tickets, making event promotion easier while increasing revenue. Our Event Ticketing Software is a customizable event list and easy-to-use interface that offers a variety of choices for bookings, ordered public admission, and time entrance tickets.

    CRM Solutions

    CRM Solutions

    With the help of a customer relationship management system, businesses can communicate with consumers. Users can also send their problems and contact records, SMSs, postal mail, email and website advancements, and registration.

    Event Data Analysis

    Event Data Analysis

    Our Data Analysis dashboard offers visual elements that are easily translated, including graphs, charts, gauges, cards, and more. This graphical summary allows you to quickly identify patterns and make comparisons.

    Customized Meeting and Event Planning Software Development Solutions

    Industries We Serve

    Success Stories

    ATAR Calculator

    A fast and user-friendly mobile application helping students to check their ATAR score on the basis of VCE scores.


    Sportskeeda strives to keep you on top of every possible sports trend by creating engaging and insightful content at lightning-quick speed.


    Shipments are now more efficient than ever. Get the benefit of quality trucks and great prices, only one click away!

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    Gourav - Chief Executive Officer at APPWRK
    Kevin G - Director of Technology & Business at APPWRK
    Kevin G
    Sergiu - Project Manager at APPWRK
    Stuart - Sr. Project Manager at APPWRK
    Samuel - Sr. Project Manager at APPWRK

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