Vue.js vs React.js: Comparison and Which One to Choose in 2023?

Read Time: 9 min
Read Time 9 min

Vue.js and React.js are two popular front-end JavaScript frameworks, with React on the podium for the third year. Regarding Vue.js vs React.js, each framework offers developers a different approach to implementing various web applications. When you hire dedicated Reactjs developers, they can easily create composite logic and user interfaces using “components” or short, isolated code. Furthermore, React uses a “virtual DOM”, a copy of the actual DOM, to link with HTML documents. The components of React, along with its analytical programming style and one-way data binding, accelerate and intensify development tasks.

Vuejs is bidirectional, having elements and bindings that use the virtual DOM. Its main attraction is its intensifying design. With Vue, developers can gradually migrate existing projects to the framework, moving features one by one rather than all at once. Therefore, Vue.js vs React.js can be selected based on your project requirement. You can use them as a library or even an application.

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Vue.js vs React.js: Background


Vuejs was created by ‘Evan You‘ to enhance the available JS tools. A former Google employee on the Angular team merges Angular, Ember, and React’s best front-end development approaches with other features that make creating web apps faster, easier, and more comfortable. From the beginning, Vue has been an open-source project, depending on the community, contributors, and crowdfunding to move forward.


React was created by Jordan Walke to target the particular requirements of Facebook and continues to be maintained by tech giants. However, the framework is currently running under the MIT license, so it is open source. Corporate support for React, especially from large companies, shows future stability and means React will continue to evolve with long-term support.

Vue.js vs React.js: Similarities

Vue.js vs React.js: Similarities
Vue.js vs React.js: Similarities

The given web development components are similar in React.js and Vue.js. If you want, you can collect these components from the official Vue.js documentation showing such similarities. The main similarities between both of these frameworks are:

  • Support of TypeScript
  • Seamless version migration
  • Virtual DOM
  • JavaScript Usage
  • PWA Support
  • Scalability, Performance, and speed
  • Backward Congeniality
  • Big, active communities
  • Reactive and Component Structure
  • Variety of Libraries and Tools

Vue.js vs React.js: Dissimilarities

Vue.js vs React.js: Dissimilarities
Vue.js vs React.js: Dissimilarities
  • The main difference between Vue.js vs React.js frameworks is that Vue is a framework, whereas React is a library.
  • The other difference comes with carrying out content to Document Object Model. Whereas React uses JSX commonly, Vue uses HTML templates other than JSX.
  • Other than this, Vue.js vs React.js varies between pre-built and third-party components. React.js comes with adequate architecture, DOM manipulation, and element state management. However, the other functionality is created and reinforced by the community members. Therefore, because of this access, developers get more freedom. Simultaneously, newbies may find the competency of third-party instruments exciting.

Vue.js has a more steady amalgamation of third-party and pre-built that satisfies the requirements of both experienced developers and new ones. Its core team creates Vuejs’s extensive components and libraries. Moreover, community-based solutions are also there.

Vue.js and React.js are considered the best Javascript frameworks because of many factors. Therefore, it is unsurprising that many companies use them in custom software product development.

Websites created using Vue.js

Websites created using React.js

Vue.js vs React.js: Detailed Comparison

Vue.js vs React.js: Detailed Comparison
Vue.js vs React.js: Detailed Comparison

Let’s look for a better familiarity with React and Vue and compare them comprehensively.

1. Capability


Vue is a powerful framework that allows easy utilization of its most basic assembling to develop an application. However, if required, it also offers the huge majority of all the processes that you might need:

  • For state management, you need Vuex.
  • For application URL management, you need a Vue Router.
  • For server-side Rendering

It is used for web interfaces and mobile and desktop development with the Electron framework.


React.js can develop the questions of the technology’s advancement level at about the same time. It focuses on UI, so you’ll get help creating UI elements in the beginning. However, it does not provide you with state management. Therefore, you need to use Redux when handling React applications as a state management tool. At present, MobX is also getting famous as a ReactjS equivalent. In addition,  React Router is a third-party one but not an official package. 

Select the advanced technology already proven when selecting the right tool for your web development project. There are various incredible tools for developers in React library; using them, application development gets quicker and easier.  There are certain risks associated with the use of immature tools.

For example, 

  • Bugs or accountability. 
  • Inadequate knowledge base or small community in case you need assistance.

For small and large applications, Vue is more capable than React.

2. Development Speed 


It all depends on the developer’s programming experience and skills. Many additional libraries, frameworks, and packages can speedily help you create your application. Moreover, it allows you to lean towards Vue.js, but the estimated time for the tasks is the same. 


You can use React.js to build any website or application. The problem comes with the speed of development, as its speed is slow. At the story’s beginning, you must select the JavaScript framework/library to adapt. However, React is more popular among developers, but Vue.js provides fast speed, giving better performance. 

3. Cost of Development


The development cost depends on many factors, such as the developers’ experience and superiority level, location, etc. it can vary accordingly. Like ReactjS is more scalable and customizable. In contrast, Vuejs makes the method easier and speedier.


The cost of building a ReactjS application depends on many factors the project’s complexity, its functionality necessary in the project, the design of the application, and the application dispensation. Both Vuejs and ReactjS’ cost of application development depends upon their tasks. These frameworks are better in their way. 

4. Gadgets


Vue-CLI is a quick project creation gadget for Vuejs. Such a project has an instant structure, an established composition, and a set of base files.

Some of the advantages of Vue-CLI:

  • There is no blocking, and you cannot add plugins during the development life cycle. 
  • Thanks to plugins without settings, you can spend more time developing than custom-made ones.
  • You can adjust the fit without “outliers” for easy advancement.
  •  Permits developers to create their plugins and templates


React provides a third-party CLI gadget called create-react-app. It supports developers in speeding up application development, adjoining scripts, and installing required dependencies. Before releasing the create-react-app, every time a developer started a new application, they had to copy the webpack-config and other .rc files from the old application or compose everything manually. Without using create-react-app, you had to put the same composition from one project to another. However, it does not take much time, but honestly, it is tedious. Create-react-app provides a CLI interface for creating your application with a basic structure that installs all the essential provinces.

Moreover, it adds scripts to the package.json file to operate, test, and develop your application. ReactJS has a lot of support for major IDEs. Vuejs has better tols than ReactjS.

5. Scalability


Vuejs makes it easy to build your application with the essential gadgets as a zestful framework. However, it provides you with the enormous majority of all the purposes you might require. It is completely scalable and can be used for a huge modular SPA(Single Page Apps). Additionally, Vuejs is also used to develop small, intuitive sections to be unified with the help of different technologies.


React is UI-focused; you’ll get help in creating UI elements first. ReactJS does not come up with state management. Therefore, you need to use Redux as a state management gadget to handle React applications. In addition, React Router is also a third-party package, not the authentic one. Vuejs is more informative than ReactjS.

6. Mobile Development


Vuejs, on the other hand, is combined with NativeScript (NS), which allows you to create cross-platform applications using XML, CSS, and JavaScript. NativeScript solves the same problem as React Native given above; however, it has some differences. 

  • The sThe syntax and implementation of NativeScript are much easier to understand for web developers using HTML / CSS / JavaScript. XML usage is similar to HTML for margin creation.
  • NativeScript has an undeviating approach to the Native Platform API.

However, regarding Vue.js vs. React.js, React Native is much more famous and used by the developer community. It means a considerable amount of ready-made solutions are feasible for mobile development.


React Native helps React developers in creating mobile applications. It is a framework for building cross-platform iOS and Android applications using JavaScript. It came into view in early 2015; it’s React-based. It does not make use of WebView and HTML technology. But the native elements have been imperative in JS and are enclosed in React. However, React Native’s iOS support is better than Android, but the advancement of Android support is optimistic. React is mainly used for PWA(Progressive Web Application) Development.

This accession is enormously used by some of the best companies globally, such as Alibaba and Twitter, to provide users with a mobile experience. 

PWAs save time and money in MVP development and offers a fast, search-engine-optimized solution.

Vuejs syntax is much simpler to understand than HTML/Javascript/CSS.

7. Elementary Approach

In general, if you have a component file, both Vuejs and Reactjs execute the same elementary approach in app development. However, there are still some exciting features to discover.


Vue provides a “single file element.” It is like accommodating the division of responsibilities- Templates, scripts, and styles are not in one file but in three different sections. It means you can take advantage of syntax highlighting, CSS support, and easy use of preprocessors such as Jade and SCSS. According to various sources, Vue doesn’t show syntax errors in HTML, making it easier to debug JSX. However, it is impossible as Vuejs converts the HTML to a rendering function and quickly sees the mistake.


React.js brings to mind established best practices. JSX is a non-compulsory preprocessor with HTML-like syntax that assembles into JavaScript. For decades, developers have been trying to discrete templates from embedded javascript logic; however, in JSX, they are merged again. You should create elements instead of the template; Elements should be reusable, embeddable, and valuable for unit testing. So, for example, you should use className instead of class; because the latter is a JavaScript-reserved keyword.

8. Storage Data Reception


However, with Vuejs, you don’t have to think about storage as it is available for every Vue component. It means that the amount of detail transferred from one element to another is relatively limited and is only needed for the data not stored in the archive. Therefore, it is reasonable as Vue has a tricky syntax to pass props.


Memory storage allows different parts of your application to use the same data multiple times, which is very important. This way, you can build another function whenever you want access to elementary data. You can now use the use-Selector hook to take out data from your Redux store. It undertakes a single function that we define as an alternative function. Moreover, this function takes the complete Redux chain store as an argument, elucidates the value from its state, and gives a good outcome.

Even if the array contains the same object reference each time, the flat equality check fails. ReactRedux re-renders the enclosed element because the array itself is a different reference.

Instead of awkward syntax, storage is available for every element.

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Conclusion: Vue.js vs React.js

 Vue.js is only sometimes extensively reinforced and taken into use. But it’s steadily gaining popularity, primarily due to its excellent documentation, ease of use, and gradual adoption. However, Vue.js also offers more core support and an all-inclusive range of embedded built-in appliances and solutions; when it comes to Vue.js vs. React.js. React.js relishes more enterprise support, admiration among developers, and an enormous community to contribute and answer all your queries. Moreover, it is also easy to scale and is typically suitable for complex enterprise-level applications. When comparing the development speed of Vue.js and React.js with Vue CLI 4, it only takes a few weeks to establish and deploy a market-ready product. Instead of awkward syntax, storage is available for every element.

Pros and Cons of Vue.js vs. React.js vary depending upon their use. Both of the frameworks are outstanding for developing any latest web application. However, the perfect outcome depends purely upon your project aim and preference.

Hire Vue JS developers if you want to:

  • Develop a productive web app or SPA.
  • Begin the development instantaneously.
  • Have access to more core gadgets and support.
  • Expands a current app’s Performance.

Hire ReactJS developers if you want to:

  • Develop a high-performing video streaming platform or media site. 
  • Have an exclusive variety of scalable libraries, gadgets, and ecosystems.
  • Comfortably use React with TypeScript, Flow, ReasonML, and BuckleScript.
  • Create a highly-flexible application with simple testing and debugging.
  • Speedily develops a complex app.

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About author

Gourav Khanna

Gourav Khanna is co-founder and CEO of APPWRK IT SOLUTIONS PVT LIMITED, a web & mobile app development company. He is a technophile who is always eager to learn and share his views on new technologies and future advancements. Gourav’s knowledge and experience have made him one of the industry's most respected and referenced leaders in the IT industry. His passion for writing and a high spirit of learning new things is reflected in his write ups. He has inspired many organizations to leverage digital platforms with his top-notch writing strategy skills that cut through the noise, backed by sharp thinking. Gourav believes that - “Words are the way to know ecstasy, without them life is barren ''.

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